Currently reading: On Writing by Charles Bukowski 📚 Just don’t write about love. Bukowski advised not to edit your own poems. Or ‘polish’, as he liked to refer to his own editing process.
Spammers are working hard these days to send obvious SPAM text messages . I get about 3 or 4 of these each day on my phone. How do they manage? What do they hope to achieve? Who are they fooling? 😧

What kind of Thursday have you had?
I have told myself to post here on my blog every day.
I’ve missed a day on Wednesday night. So I’m making it up. Right here. Right now.
And a random photo of a waterfall.

First Letter, First Week, First Blog
I can see, there are many smart people in this community. Much more than I can say for myself😉. This is my first week posting here on Micro Blog.
So much wisdom to learn from these people. So much yet to do and write about. Looks like they are technology geeks, experts of all sorts .
On this first week, my first very own blog; where else will this lead? Why didn’t I start writing many years ago?
Questions and answers shall reveal themselves down the road.
Till next time, Cheers,
Goran Vinko
I didn’t realize we were on Daylight Savings Time today. I woke up, therefore, an hour ‘late’ than realized. Somebody had to remind me last night. I was not too happy about it. I work evenings, into the night.
That didn’t help.

Saturday night. I think it appropriate to post a photo taken at night.
Walker through the Windshield Location - Elliot Lake, Canada Year 2022

While I am sitting in a cab, waiting for next call, I am posting this pic for you . This evening , from inside my cab. Oh, I have just downloaded their Micro.Blog app. I use Android.
Have a great night. See you tomorrow.

I have registered a new domain name to forward to this blog. Go into domain manager and point it to Micro.Blog. So I was told. This has something to do with configuring DNS server? I am yet to accomplish this task. Working on it. So, I will have to call Porkbun for help. Oh my…